Sunday, August 8, 2010

Soooo here we go....

Finally. Yes, finally. I am starting a blog. I am slowly conquering that little (BIG!) to do list of things I have been trying to get to for so long. But. Now. I am Prioritizing. I will keep this short and sweet since most of you reading this know us so I will spare you the long introduction into our past, present and future. The journey that Matt and I have traveled since we tied the knot almost 6 years ago has taken us far and wide, geographically speaking. My desire is for this to be a place where you can find us where we are. Like neighbors you can peek into our home through the window. Or join us at our kitchen table for morning coffee or an afternoon snack. We'll show you pictures and share stories about what's going on in the lives of this little flock of three. Stay tuned...

and P.S. Bear with me as I navigate through the techical details this new and unfamiliar territory :-)

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!! I am SO proud of you! It's looking great and there is so much out there to add for creativity that i am sure it will be looking fantastic as you go along learning! Blogging is the best! Yay You! It's about time! ;-)
