Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Official Family Photoshoot in Tower Grove

Family Photoshoot in Tower Grove! I have truly been blessed to have an amazing photographer in my life who is willing to take our family's pictures because trust me, we aren't always the easiest subjects. Thankfully, God puts people in our lives who understand our quirks. This was our first "official" photo shoot as a family of three. We headed out to beautiful Tower Grove park with my dear friend KellyBeth of KBK photography and had a great time under the beautiful old trees kicking up leaves.
As you can see, the colors were breathtaking!

Also, I think our little man is a total ham for the camera. What do you think?

KB has got some cool little props. Love this chair! Cannan was having a good time hamming it up for the camera as you can see. His balance was pretty good by this point so I wasn't too worried...until we all watched in slow-mo as he tumbled head first to the ground....oops! He didn't seem to be too concerned though. He was quickly over it and ready for another take. He's all boy so I've already started preparing myself for what lies ahead. Can a mother ever really prepare for this really?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!! These are precious pictures!! I need one for my fridge :) He is getting so big!! What a little stud!
